Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Cabbage, Red Potatoes, & Pork Chops
 Begin by cutting up a head of cabbage.

 Next, add a very small amount of water, less than 1/4 cup, to a large pan. Add a stick of butter, I know that sounds like a lot, but trust me, you will be happy you did. Salt and pepper to taste. Add cabbage and stir. (of course I forgot picture of adding cabbage, but you get the idea.)

 Cut up a few red potatoes. Add to pan on top of cabbage. Do not stir.

Cook cabbage and potatoes on medium to medium low, about 12-15 minutes, until potatoes are just tender. Now, I used leftover fried pork chops from my Sunday Dinner with Family. Lay on top of potatoes. Still not stirring up. Cover and let the steam heat the pork chops through. Enjoy with beverage of your choice. Here in the south, of course its sweet tea.

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