Sunday, March 9, 2014

Comfort Food Sunday

What could be better to comfort than a big pot of homemade chicken and dumplings. Just start with boneless chicken breasts or thighs or whatever your favorite piece is. Throw in a pot, cover with water, salt and pepper for some good seasoning and boil until chicken is done. In the meantime, boil a couple of eggs. Remove chicken pieces and set aside to cool so you can handle them in a bit. Now to the delicious broth that is left in the pot, add a stick of butter, don't be shy, you know you want it. Now, if this offends you I'm sorry, but I don't have time to make my own dumplings from scratch and roll them out. I use the frozen kind. Think what you want but they are very, very good. Now, break them up into smallish pieces and add to the simmering broth. Break up the pieces of chicken. Don't shred it, just pull apart. Dice up the eggs, not too small, and add to the broth with the chicken pieces. Pour in a small amount of milk. Just enough to color the broth. Salt and pepper to your taste. When the mixture starts getting thick, thrown in a handful of frozen peas and carrots. Turn off stove. Enjoy!

Now, along with the dumplings another comfort food is potato soup. Boil potatoes in chicken broth until tender. Remove from heat. Cream potatoes with a hand held mixer or you can use an emersion blender if you have one. Add a package of dry ranch dressing, white velveeta, salt & pepper to taste. Yummylicious!

Now, the all time comfort food is macaroni and cheese, add pineapple casserole and pineapple salsa and you have a meal fit for a king, or queen.

Top it all off with a plate of deviled eggs. That's all you need. Well, except for dessert. You can see the peanut butter pie on the left. So good!
Chocolate Strawberry cake was the highlight of todays Food & Family meal. Two chocolate layers, each covered with Nutella, slathered with homemade whip cream and topped with sliced strawberries. What a way to end the meal.
Thank you to all who made this meal possible. Judy Sanders, Jami Jones, Alison Fleming and myself, Karen. Tina Sanders, Jennifer Fisher, Beth Thomas we missed you today. But, next month will be a new gathering.
I hope everyone enjoys reading about our monthly gatherings. We look forward to getting together each month. Food brings together family and friends in a special way.
Until next time.....

 Me, Karen

missed picture of Judy :(  Next time Judy.

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