Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Biscuit Cinnamon Rolls

3 cups Self Rising Flour
Pinch Salt
1 1/4 cup buttermilk
1 stick cold butter
1 stick melted butter, separated
1/2 cup sugar
2-3 tsp ground cinnamon
2 cups Powdered Sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp milk

Preheat oven to 350º. Spray baking sheet with non stick spray.

Mix flour and salt. Cut in butter. Stir in buttermilk just until mixed. Spoon out onto a floured surface. Knead a couple of times until not sticky. Pat into a rectangle about 1/2" thick. Pour all but 2 Tbsp melted butter on surface of dough, brushing to cover surface well. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Amount of cinnamon depends upon your taste. I used 3 tsp. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top of melted butter. Roll up, from long edge. With a serrated or very sharp knife, Cut log in half. Then cut halves in half. Now cut each half into 3 equal pieces. Place on baking sheet. I used a quarter sheet pan. Bake 20 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven. Make topping and spread over warm rolls.

In medium bowl, stir together powdered sugar, vanilla, milk and 2Tbsp remaining melted butter. Mixture will be slightly thick. If you would like a thinner mix, just add more milk one tsp at a time until desired consistency. Spoon on top of warm rolls. Topping will set up as rolls cool.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Homemade Mashed Potato Pancakes

I learned to make these from my mother. She always told me to start with cold, leftover mashed potatoes. If you use freshly made mashed potatoes they will not come out. Typically I have about 2-3 cups leftover potatoes. Why? When there is only 2 of us? I'm so used to cooking for a large number of people. Growing up I learned to cook for 7 people. Then I raised 2 big sons. So, trying to cut down on quantity has been difficult. But, no worries, these are good leftover as well.
I don't have an exact written down recipe. But....

In a medium bowl, add leftover potatoes. Add one beaten egg, diced onion, (you decide how much you like.) I use about 1/2 cup. Stir in flour. Not too much or they will come out like bread. Maybe 1/2 cup. Start with 1/4 cup. Stir well. Salt and pepper to taste. You want them to be stiff. Now heat oil in a non stick fry pan. I like my black cast iron skillet but it is well seasoned and food does not stick.  Add enough oil to cover bottom of pan well. I use an ice cream scoop to measure out the potatoes. It keeps them equal in size so they will cook evenly. Drop by scoop full into hot oil. Flatten slightly with spatula. Brown well and carefully turn over and brown well on other side. They will be hot throughout.

We like them plain but you can top them with sour cream if you like.
Hope you enjoy as much as we do.

ps.  these can be made up in the morning, refrigerated, and cooked for dinner.

Homemade Mashed Potato Pancakes

I learned to make these from my mother. She always told me to start with cold, leftover mashed potatoes. If you use freshly made mashed potatoes they will not come out. Typically I have about 2-3 cups leftover potatoes. Why? When there is only 2 of us? I'm so used to cooking for a large number of people. Growing up I learned to cook for 7 people. Then I raised 2 big sons. So, trying to cut down on quantity has been difficult. But, no worries, these are good leftover as well.
I don't have an exact written down recipe. But....
In a medium bowl, add leftover potatoes. Add one beaten egg, diced onion, (you decide how much you like.) I use about 1/2 cup. Stir in flour. Not too much or they will come out like bread. Maybe 1/2 cup. Start with 1/4 cup. Stir well. Salt and pepper to taste. You want them to be stiff. Now heat oil in a non stick fry pan. I like my black cast iron skillet but it is well seasoned and food does not stick.  Add enough oil to cover bottom of pan well. I use an ice cream scoop to measure out the potatoes. It keeps them equal in size so they will cook evenly. Drop by scoop full into hot oil. Brown well and carefully turn over and brown well on other side. They will be hot throughout.
We like them plain but you can top them with sour cream if you like.
Hope you enjoy as much as we do.
ps.  these can be made up in the morning, refrigerated, and cooked for dinner.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Merry Rozar's Christmas in July

Two weeks ago I said to my hubby, "Lets have Christmas in July. Lets get out the tree and the lawn decorations and have Christmas." He said "OK" but that's as far as it went. We never gave it another thought. Then I came up with another idea. This past December I took a bundle of Christmas goodies decorated with Christmas cheer to a great friend of his. So I decided, "Why not. Let's have Christmas in July." And that is just what we did. I made a few things and off to Birmingham we went this morning with the trunk full of Christmas goodies to be delivered to Rozar's Auto Paint Supply.  All that was missing was the colder temperatures and Christmas music. Well, I could have gotten out the CD's but that was going too far. With the help of a few table decorations, and a Christmas tablecloth, I think I pulled it off.  An inviting chalk board sign wishing a Merry Christmas in July to the Rozar's family, a snowman complete with a black top hat seeming to make the temperatures chilly. There were warm biscuits and venison sausage, a cinnamon roll cake, a must have flavor for the holidays, kicked up crackers nestled in a sleigh ready for take off, chocolate toffee no bake cookies, creamy chocolate gravy, and broccoli salad. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. Now I can't wait for Christmas in December.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Mini Meatloaf

My hubby loves meatloaf. He could eat it twice a week and have sandwiches with the leftovers if I made it that often. But I don't. Well, because I don't LIKE meatloaf. Maybe its the name, meat-loaf. Loaf.....what does that say for a food that most people love? My daughter-in-law says "what's wrong with you" and I have to respond "I don't like meatloaf." My family loves it when I take it right out of the oven, cold from the fridge, sliced, and made into a sandwich, extra ketchup please! But I have never been a fan. Now, have I said enough times that "I don't like meatloaf." But I will confess, I do like this meatloaf. I think its the sauce. You see, I'm not big on ketchup. And a lot of people I know put just ketchup on their meatloaf when they cook it. Or tomato sauce. What's up with that. Tomato Sauce? Really? It has absolutely no flavor until you mix it with other delicious products to make it good.

Now my sauce, its made with ketchup, Worcestershire, brown sugar, and vinegar. I believe that is what makes it extra special. Just a touch of sweetness from the brown sugar with a little tang from the vinegar. Yumm! Try it today. And be sure to save a little sauce on the side for dipping at the table.

Mini Meatloaves

1 lb ground beef
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup Italian style bread crumbs
2 tbsp ketchup
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper


1 cup ketchup
2 tbsp. Worcestershire Sauce
2 tbsp. brown sugar
2 tbsp. white vinegar

Stir together well and set aside.

Mix all ingredients together. Form into 4 patties. Brown on both sides. Remove from frying pan and place on baking sheet. Preheat oven to 400º. Coat each mini meatloaf with a generous helping of sauce. Bake 20-30 minutes until done. Check after 20 mins. Be sure not to over bake as they will become dry.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Leftovers are better the second time around!

Well, I haven't been on here in quite a while. Alot of things have been going on but I'm going to try to get to as much as possible. Since I was last here, I lost my job and been a stay at home wife and grandmother. Loving all my time with my sweet, precious grandsons. What could be better? But with extra time on my hands, and trying to be creative and save money on groceries, I am trying to come up with some new ideas for creations with leftovers. 

Now Pork Chops are my favorite meat on the entire planet. Whether they are fried, barbecued, ground into burgers (delicious) or one of my favorites, a southern thing, SMOTHERED! That simply means we lightly brown the meat, sautee veggies, add a little broth and simmer away. With a few simple ingredients you have 2 meals in one.

As you can see, my Smothered Pork Chops are full of onions, peppers, gravy, all kinds of deliciousness. But if you are like us, only 2 people to feed and having 4 pork chops, you will have leftovers. No need to throw away this pot of deliciousness or not look forward to having the same meal again. Turn your leftovers into Smothered Pork Chop Soup.

I started with a few diced potatoes, carrots, onions and celery. Then I added the leftover pork chops along with the delicious broth and peppers, added a little more broth until I achieved the desired consistency and let it simmer 40-45 mins. Serve with cornbread and  you have a meal that you will think was created from scratch, not leftovers.

So don't throw away leftovers. Create something delicious. It's even better the second time around.
And, you get to save money by using your leftovers up instead of throwing them away.

I hope you enjoy my post. Please leave me a message and let me know what you think.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Lunch With a Friend

Today a wonderful friend I haven't seen in years came over and spent the afternoon. We had great food and lots of gossip to catch up on. It was so good to see her.
We started with this. The beginnings of a most delicious club sandwich. Ham, Turkey, Bacon, Provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mayo/mustard mix, on toasted country white bread.

It was so big, I had to make it a single decker.
There had to be something healthy. Salad with all the fixins, lettuce, tomato, olives, carrots, cucumber, green onion, greek peppers, cheddar cheese. Oh yes, it was delicious.

Of course there had to be a dessert. How about a Blackberry Fool. So easy to make, and tastes like it took forever. Creamy and fruity. Try it. You won't regret it.

The final results. Can't wait to do this again.

This actually deserved another look.
Blackberry Fool
12oz pkg fresh blackberries (or your berry of choice)
1 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 pint heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar (more or less, to you liking)
Wash berries. Take out a few for garnish.  Put remaining berries in a bowl with sugar and lemon juice and stir together. Set aside. Berries will give off their natural juices. After berries have set a few minutes, mash with a fork, leaving a few small chunks of berries. In a separate bowl, whip heavy cream with powdered sugar until stiff. Spoon berries on top of cream. Very gently, fold together. Not completely. Be careful to leave some whipped cream undisturbed so you will have pockets of cream and pockets of berries. 4 or 5 turns should do the trick. Spoon into pretty glasses. Garnish with whole berries. Spoon about 1tsp of the berry juice over the top. Do not stir in. You can garnish with a vanilla wafer or a broken meringue cookie if desired.